by mikenakowicz | Mar 17, 2017 | NakFin Culture, Small Business, Stories That Make Us Happy, Tax
In this business, we definitely try to make everyone happy. Today we made a small business and family extremely happy. They had an emergency and needed three years of returns prepared in a couple of days. I stayed late and got them done and ready for pickup. What they...
by mikenakowicz | Feb 22, 2017 | General, Stories That Make Us Happy, Tax
Unfortunately, some taxpayers need to owe tax as a result of their annual filing. But they do not always receive an answer that leaves them satisfied that they got every deduction and credit they deserve. Last week we had a client with an unexpected amount due. We...
by mikenakowicz | Jan 11, 2017 | NakFin Culture, Small Business, Tax
Tax season is already starting and you’ve probably started seeing tax return chains popping up in strip malls already. They’re practically ready with a Drive-Thru window and the big tax shops may seem like your only option, but is their fast-food system the best place...
by mikenakowicz | Jan 11, 2017 | NakFin Culture, Small Business, Tax
We all know the importance of being prepared when it comes to tax season. With the Tax System becoming more and more complicated with each year, many taxpayers feel they are missing more deductions and credits. Every year I get asked the same questions, “Mike, am I...
by mikenakowicz | Jun 16, 2016 | Financial Services, Tax
Have you thought about your taxes in non-tax season? Do you think you will owe more this year? Or possibly you had a big change in income. If you haven’t thought about your taxes and you feel uneasy that something might happen maybe it’s time for tax...
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